Surfboard is expensive and a worthwhile investment. So, it is important to thoroughly protect it while travelling and you can go on using it to ride waves for years to come. A surfboard bag can protect your board and store all of your necessary surf gear in one place. It means you’ve to pick right type of surfboard bag. But, how much confident are you to be able to do so out of hundreds of their variety?
You will typically find out three categories of surfboard bags. Of them, surfboard day bag and surfboard travel bag are actually popular.
Surfboard Day Bag: This kind of surfboard bag is the best when you’re going to surf locally. These day bags allow you to easily carry your board to the sand then strap your board to the roof of your car when you are ready to head home. For protecting surf boards from possible damage, these board bags have 5mm of foam padding. After returning home, keep your board in the bag for further protection from storage conditions.

There is surfboard travel bag. They are also known as coffin bags, offering 10mm of foam padding to withstand harsh handling usually associated with traveling long distances. This kind of surfboard bag is ideal for transporting your board on a plane

A surfboard travel bag is a perfect choice when traveling by plane. In a single bag of this kind, you can carry multiple surfboards. There are many board travel bags which have extra padding and pockets to keep more than two surfboard bags. While two will be visible upon unzipping the bag, the third one will be invisible from the checkers, thereby saving you extra airplane fee. Find out with them padded dividers between each board for extra protection. They also come in wheeled varieties for easier transportation.
Now, you have to choose the surfboard bag out of surfboard day bag and surfboard travel bag as per your requirement, please visit In short, for local use, surfboard day bag will be right pick while for distant or airplane travel surfboard travel bag will be your ideal choice. Check out a wide variety of board bags with a leading online surf shop, The Surfboard Warehouse. It is offering all varieties of them at the most competitive rates. Need to verify the claim? Visit the store of The Surfboard Warehouse.
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