You won’t require a lot of gear for surfing. What you will require is to choose the right surf gear and accessories. Ability, location and climate are some of the important factors to determine the best surfing gear and accessories for you.
You will get to see various kinds of surfboards – longboards, short-boards, fish-boards, etc. Longboards are 9ft or longer and are the most popular surfboards among others to learn on. They float well and catch slow-moving waves better. There are Fun boards, which are shaped like longboards, moving on to something smaller or for less full sized adults who are leaning to surf. Short boards are meant for advanced surfers. They can help offer the best performance and are also the hardest boards to paddle. Keep in mind that they aren’t for new surfers or leaners at all.
Epoxy and traditional materials are two main and popular surfboard construction materials. Among these two, Epoxy is becoming very popular because of the lighter weight and high strength.

Fin setup is also a major consideration for surfboards. You must have seen that tri fins and quad setups are common with fish boards while single fins fit well with longboards. You need to know that surf wax is necessary for surfboards.
Wetsuits are one of the mandatory parts of your surfing gear and accessories. In cold climate, wetsuits are compulsory. Find there on the surf market two varieties of wetsuits, namely full suits and spring suits. Under 60 degree Fahrenheit or even lower, thick wetsuits are used. Thickness varies as temperature varies. Booties and hoods are also worn along when there is colder temp. Make sure to check wetsuits before you purchase them.

Surfing isn’t a gear intensive sport. It’s important to select your surf gear and accessories wisely. With so much time spent looking for surf and time spent in the water, you must not want bad surfing gear lowering your wave count.
While planning to buy surf gear and accessories, visit make sure to spend some time asking other surfers their opinions about those gear and accessories. Whichever way you go for, you must do an online R&D and dig into customers’ feedback about specific surf gear and accessories.
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